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Grateful Dead Oct. 24, 1972

Performing Arts Center Milwaukee, WI | Listen on archive

Users have designated the following versions as heady!
He's Gone
Out of a deep TOO comes this little ditty.
The Other One
An unusual ‘The Other One’>’He’s Gone’>’The Other One’ sandwich that pheatures a phantastic ‘Philo Stomp’ and excellent group interplay.
Box of Rain
Only the 2nd one they played after it went into circulation, and it conveys all the emotion and poetry of this wonderful song. Sing something Phil!
Playin' In The Band
hard to believe this big beast hasn't been tagged yet: Experimental, interesting, and at 23min, a nice long ride.
Pity the SQ is so flat, as this one cooks up nice and hot, with some extra melodicism in the outro jam before D>TOO. This show needs a SBD infusion.