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Grateful Dead - Sing Me Back Home

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Sing Me Back Home.

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Long version that will not disappoint. Donna adds a wonderful touch to this slow mellow beauty!
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As heartfelt as the Europe versions. Worth a listen. Lots of epic stuff on DP 23.
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A shining example of how truly refined, fine, and delicate the Dead could be, especially Keith
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So wonderful...no point arguing best-evers, just know that it DOESNT GET ANY BETTER than this
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Ladies and Gentlemen version ... absolutely gorgeous ... and no Donna screaming!
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Elegance defined. Some of the sweetest vocal harmonies of the era. Nailed it.
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Perfect. May have the best vocal harmonies of all of them. Not here because of low-level boards? Try headphones, heads.
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Gorgeous the whole sequence of He's Gone->Truckin->O1->SMBH is just breathtakingly powerful only the Dead could pull this much power and emotion off.