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2nd Generation



Feelin' Groovy Jam
June 24, 1970
Capitol Theatre

Very brief, but the way it connects the 2nd Dark Star to Sugar Mags maintains the crazy energy of this legendary Dark Star suite
Sept. 25, 1976
Capital Centre

I hit this one for a chill Loser. Mellow and soulful


Eyes Of The World
March 19, 1990
Civic Center

where has this one been?? just heard this today. never heard anything like this - jerry MIDIs to sound like a low brass and gets a simple but well chosen lick to kickstart this jam. brent is perfectly energetic and the two meld so well. bob and phil fill in the space. just amazing.
Uncle John's Band
Oct. 13, 1994
Madison Square Garden

spirited version with a nice outro jam powered by the percussion section. Vince is doing some really pretty stuff. Don't sleep on this!
Franklin's Tower
Dec. 4, 1979
Uptown Theater

Unlike any other. A really beautiful jam emerges out of this that at times recalls Me and My Uncle and Saint of Circumstance, before getting a little funky melt into drums. Interestingly, most pre-drums songs in fall '79 have an extra jam attached; it's not Space though. Consequently the sailor>saints of 11/2, 11/8, 12/7, 12/11 (Estimated Prophet jam), and 12/27, among others, have very interesting jams tacked on generally characterized by "flight of the bumblebee" Jerry. Also see the 12/1 CC Rider, 12/5 Other One, and of course the 12/26 Estimated, which has an extra jam at times very similar to this Franklin's. 11/29's Eyes gets an extra jam but is much similar to the classic Space, still pre-drums though. I haven't examined every show from this tour but serious historians out there should check out these pre-drum jams that clearly were a part of the evolution of D>S. But, imo, these jams are much more interesting than Space. Just listen to this Franklin's!
Scarlet Begonias -> Fire On The Mountain
Feb. 3, 1979
Market Square Arena

^ Jerry hits the Note, capital N! I wonder if Trey listened to this one in preparation for Fare Thee Well because he also employed the Note, and it made for one of the musical highlights of the weekend. I really wouldn't be surprised, this is a top top shelf scarlet->fire.
Mind Left Body Jam
June 28, 1974
Boston Garden

^ from a Garcia interview in Derek Bailey's 1980 book on music improv: "What's interesting to me is the accidental, the chaotic - the stuff you can't control or predict.... it's sort of stumbling into this area where there's a lot of energy and a lot of something happening and not a lot of control...It defies analysis, but it's certainly something to wonder about." maybe not so much control after all! either way, easily best MLB.