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Grateful Dead - Good Lovin'

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Good Lovin'.

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"Dolla and a quarta?!? You cant get much with a dolla and a quarta." Awesome Pigpen Rap with some incredible playing behind him.
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Good Lovin'->Caution->WhoDoYouLove->Caution->Good Lovin, all after an epic DS->Sugar Mag. Amazing that reaching such heights was typical in this era
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Long and wandering, but it finds a lot of interesting places along the way. Pig also manages to talk about cars and make it sound filthy. Bonus.
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So good. Gives me the chills everytime. Solid groove emerges, I'd give my left nut to see this live.
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This has one of the most interesting jams I've heard in a good lovin. Not usually a fan but this one got me good!