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Grateful Dead - Lost Sailor -> Saint of Circumstance

Below you'll find a user-submitted list of the best Grateful Dead Lost Sailor -> Saint of Circumstance.

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The songs are played perfectly, then after Saint comes a little jam into the drums, full of twists and turns.
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the jam that is spawned out of this makes this one of the best versions of sailor>saint>spacejam>drumz>space>nfa=WOW
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After Sailor they come to a complete stop...........Then they start a mini Saint jam that is just so sweet and jazzie you will want to hear it again!!
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Awesome, underated version. Most aren't familiar because it is only on Road Trips Vol 3 #4. Must listen!
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Another great mid 80's sailor->saint. Great assist from Brent and Bobby does his rock star thing.
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The last Sailor>Saint, and one of my favorites. Never understood why it was dropped.